Fax your order
You can place orders by faxing the order form to NYSTYLE. Once validated, we'll email an order confirmation number and order status to you. If you're ordering for the first time, you may choose to become a member at the same time by providing us with the necessary information. Once validated, we'll email a confirmation of your membership.
Shopping basket system
Our shopping basket system provides an easy way for you to browse vendor offerings and select items by adding them to your personal shopping basket. Once you're satisfied with your selections, you can order the contents of your basket. An order will be placed and the contents of your basket will be cleared. As a member of NYSTYLE, once the order is processed, we offer a feature to allow you to check on the shipping status of your order(s).
- Add items to your shopping basket.
- Ability to check the contents of your basket.
- Retain the contents of your basket for 24 hours.
- Prior to ordering, you may opt to remove certain items.
To use our shopping basket system, you browser needs to support Netscape 1.1 or higher features.
Add items to your shopping basket:
If you're interested in a product or style, you simply select the "add this item to your basket" option. An order form will be presented with the colors, sizes, and shipping options available. Once you've entered the required details, the item is added to your basket. Note: The contents of your basket will only be submitted as an order when you order.
Check the contents of your basket:
At any time, you may check the contents of your basket and have the option to add, delete, change items or place an order (check-out). You also have the option to retain the contents of your basket up to 24 hours for future sessions if you'd like to delay ordering.
If you're satisfied with your selections, you can place an order by selecting the option to "order". The contents of your basket will be submitted as an order.
Check the status of open orders:
Within 24 hours of placing an order, NYSTYLE members have the ability to check the status of your order on an ongoing basis for shipping status etc.