Tops, The do's and don'ts

Tops, The do's and don'ts


The size of the shirt can be big or small. The question, therefore, should be What size should one wear and how big or small? The answer to this question is.....It should not be over two of one's shirt sizes. For smallness, one can wear a tight shirt if one wants. One should be able, however, to properly tuck in one's shirt.


The colour of a shirt should be subtle and not too bright. For instance, whites, organic colours, greys, cremes, and black. I, personally, stay away from yellow coloured shirts, but for asians some yellows look quite good. Everyone must chose his or her favorite colours for shirts. But still, bright colours are right out.


Patterns can be worn in shirts. BUT, they should not be worn with vests or blazers. This is an important rule as many break it.

The best tops are simple, but elegant nonetheless!

  • It is very Sexy, worn in layers

    [IMAGE] Mode de Marin