Do Trunk Shows Translate
Into Sales?

What's the secret behind a successful trunk show?
"Give sales people collections they feel they can sell,
so that they can make their commissions", explains consultant
Peter Dubow. "If you motivate the sales department, the sell
will be easy," he says.

For many designer and upscale labels, trunk shows are not only
viable. ..they're crucial to business. They actually develop a
customer for a label. Isut that's not all. They can help build a
mystique and through it additional business and give both the store
and manufacturer a chance to learn what the consumer wants in the
market so the product can be tailored or refined to fit. Plus,
they're a wonderful way to cement a vendor/store relationship.

In many cases, and especially with European designers, a trunk show
allows the sales associates to preview the collection before it
comes into the store and gives them advice on how to sell it.
"We hold sales meeting in the morning to show how the line should be
presented because the more the sales associates are behind a line,
the better all of us will do," explains Jean Nuzzi, director of sales,
Genny USA.

Actually, way-in-advance planning is essential to the success
of a trunk show. Announcement of the show can be through a
newspaperad or an invitational mailing to the store or sales staff's
preferred customer list, or both. And the sales and/or personal
shopping staff should also call customers who have expressed
interest in the designer or already purchased the label, to bring
them in and/or set up appointments, especially if the designer
him- or herself is making a store appearance.

It's a great draw to have the designer there only if he or she has
a good rapport with customers and people skills. Often, however,
a charming rep with an excellent knowledge of both the line and
customer can be equally effective.

In order for a trunk show to do what it's supposed to
do, here are a few suggestions from the experts:

When they work, trunk shows are viable business builders, despite
the expense. The trend however is towards stores paying less," says
Jean Nuzzi, who feels that business for European designer trunk shows,
where customers order from pictures, is shrinking. "I think people want
instant gratification,"she says, adding that Ungaro does a fabulous
trunk show business because the collection is here.

end of part one.

by Susan Sommers

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