The Fashion Calendar

The Insider's Guide: The Day-to-Day
Schedule of American Fashion

nce upon a time, long before the Council
of Fashion Designers, Seventh on Sixth, or the Bryant
Park Shows, there came into being a company called
Fashion Calendar. Today, over 50 years later, this clearing
house for the New York designers still performs an invaluable
service for the fashion community - objectively juggling
designer shows, retail events, and fashion benefits to avoid
potential conflicts. The results are published every other week
in its publication, Fashion Calendar.

Ruth Finley, owner and publisher, and her simple idea of providing
a vehicle to organize these events is the genius of the Fashion
Calendar. Though this straight forward diary with its distinctive
red cover and pink pages has remained unchanged since its inception,
fashion marketing has changed dramatically. Seventh Avenue has
transformed itself from a hub of businesses that made and sold clothes
to a fashion mecca receiving global media attention.

Today, with the startlingly large sums of money being spent on
promoting and producing fashion and beauty events, there is an
equally strong expectation of a favorable return on investment. With
so much at stake, it is not surprising that timing and an unbiased
fashion traffic manager are even more critical to having a successful

Every issue of the calendar contains a plethora of fashion events
and trade shows taking place throughout the world. Among the many
listings are individual New York showroom seasonal openings, U.S.
major market dates, menswear listings, new product launches, the
New York Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer Designer RTW show schedules,
and the Designer RTW and Couture show schedules in Milan, Rome, Paris
and Tokyo. Each edition of the calendar covers, on an hour-by-hour
basis, a period of six weeks to three months in advance of the
publication date, with all additions, deletions and changes to existing
information updated every two weeks.

In the last few years, more and more U.S. designers and Europeans
have looked to New York to show their collections. Bryant Park
and the NY Public Library are the current venues for many of the
Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer designer shows. In concert with Seventh
on Sixth, who is the agent for the Library and Bryant Park, the
Fashion Calendar continues to clear dates and times for these shows.
Once again, from October 25 through Nov. 1 1996, New York will host the
Spring/Summer designer runway shows. For those who will be attending, the
Fashion Calendar remains the one absolute essential.

For more information on Fashion Calendar and its services contact:
Fashion Calendar, 153 E. 87th St., NY, NY 10128. Phone: 212-289-0420.
Subscription rates: from $365 to $410 per year.

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