Men Have It Easy Page 46

Women think men have it easier than them? (Real) Men don't have to shave
their legs, true, but they shave their faces every day.
Seven Myths of the lucky male.

Circuit Training Page 52

How to gain strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular
endurance, flexibility - while strengthening your heart, reducing
body fat, improving strength, and improving muscle tone. IN ONE
SHOT! Do it in less than a half hour. How? Try circuit training.

Circuit training means working one set of muscles after
another through repetitive exercise. For a good way to improve
total body fitness aim for one exercise for the chest, upper
back, lower back, abs, front thighs, rear thighs, calves, biceps,
and triceps. Lots of gyms have the equipment you'll need and you
can get started right away. Don't do too much at once and try and
keep a 1:1 ratio of exercise and rest. Work up to a 30 minute workout and
finish with a 10 minute cool down.

Circuit training won't prepare you to bench press 300 pounds,
or run the marathon but remember bodybuilders don't have such
great cardiovascular fitness, and long-distance runners are short
on strength.

You can have it all.
Personality Page 50
Why and how to control mood swings. How to deal with personality traits.

Body Success Page 54
Three individuals share their stories on achieving a fitness victory.


Snowboarding sounds dangerous, difficult, and too cool for
anyone over age 25. But snowboarding is no more risky than skiing and one
quarter of the 2 million Americans who've tried it are more than 25.
If you take lessons and learn it right it's easy say the instructors.
Train your muscles for snowboarding by skateboarding, surfing,
mountain biking or in-lining. Build up your quadriceps, abs, and
do neck stretches. Falling is inevitable regardless of what the
cheerful instructors say, so keep your hands balled into a fist to
lessen the chance of breaking a wrist.
Grab your gear and a board that's right for you, freestyle or
race, and get on the slopes. You'll be hooked.

America's Best Beaches Page 106

Hilton Head, Key West, Baja, Hawaii. Sunlight and beauty to tranquilize
the restive pulse.

Avoid Destroying Your Career Page 110

Peruse these common pitfalls that will lull people into job trouble.

Going in Style Page 128

Chicago Sox First Baseman John Kruk belted a single then announced
his retirement and cleaned out his locker and went home in the middle of
the game.

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