Senseless Gore AND Violence Page 72

Author Gore Vidal tries to settle scores with those who hated him
like Arthur Shlesinger, William F. Buckley, Henry Kissinger, Anais Nin, Lee
Radziwill and so on. He talks about many White House incidents such as the
one where Bobby Kennedy's loathing of Vidal's sexual obsessions erupted.
He rails against The New York Times for castigating his homosexual stories
and so on. For his part Vidal insists that there aren't homosexuals only
people who commit homosexuality.

Besides recounting his nonstop sexual activities he also mentions his
connections with Ronald Reagan, Neville Chamberlain, Rudolf Nureyev, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, Fellini, Truman Capote, Melvyn Douglas, Charleton Heston,
William Holden, JFK, Jackie Onassis Kennedy, Vice President Gore, Jack Kerouac, Eleanor
Roosevelt to name a few.


They don't call her Stone for nothing. Sharon Stone
enjoys her tough reputation and will doing whatever it takes
to get her way.

Sharon Stone was the top draw at last year's Canne Film Festival and
that suited her just fine. She drew a bigger crowd than Sylvester
Stallone and she's happy to tell you all about it. She feels if
all the bad stories come out why shouldn't the good ones? Rotten
stories including the one about how she was such a Prima Donna
on the set of Allan Quartermain that the other crew members would secretely urinate in
her bath. It seems like a long time since the Basic Instinct money man referred
to her as Karen Stone and reminded her that she was the number fourteen choice
for the role.

In two upcoming films the actress will be playing
complicated, difficult characters opposite actors like Robert De
Niro. She got Martin Scorcese to beef up her role in Casino by
running after him daily and telling him that she wanted
him to "Come to my trailer every day, like you go to Bob's and
discuss the scenes, so that when I come on the set, I'm equally
prepared. Then I want you to push me till I drop dead."

He did. She did.
Sharon worked 16 hour days for 6 months through grueling
and difficult scenes, she says it was "divine."

The male in her life right now is an assistant director named
Bob Wagner who is a decade younger. But for a 37?
year old woman who doesn't do anything until she's damn well
ready, age isn't much of a hurdle. A bigger problem is the fact
that everyone disappears when they're around her.


A couple of guys who haven't more important things to
do, sit around deciding whether the Beatles should have
rerecorded tracks that John did before he died.
These guys tell us about the first time they heard OF the
Beatles; The first time they HEARD the Beatles; How the
Beatles altered their existences blah blah blah etc. etc. etc.

Would John have agreed to something like this?
He would if Yoko told him to.

One challenging issue the men hash and rehash is how different is it, from
remixing the work of the living ? One fellow tells of the time that he worked
on a cut by John before he died. Months later after Lennon
died he had to remix the cut. Although the concept sounded
spooky to him, working on the remix felt no different than the first
time around.

Those old enough remember the Beatles in their own way.
On that note we'll draw to a conclusion the "NEW" album


In the morning he was fit and healthy, by late afternoon
Andrew Corsello knew something was seriously wrong. For
a man who was in close communication with his body, having it turn
on him with a sudden and still undiagnosed liver disease was a
nightmare he couldn't get out of.

Andrew deteriorated rapidly within days of noticing the first
symptoms. The doctor ordered him to the hospital
immediately. The two hours he took to straighten up his apt before
leaving were almost fatal. By the time he got there his
eyes were as yellow as egg yolks. From there it was a matter
of hours before he was unconscious and on the brink of death.

Massive doses of steroids saved his life and also caused him
huge weight gains - he calls himself Shawn a reference to Tonya Harding's
obese bodyguard. His appetite wouldn't stop and he
became extremely aggressive. On his way home he hit
someone for the first time in 16 years.

Andrew is trying to adjust to the difficult changes that
the disease and its medicine have wrought. For a guy who ran races up
and down hills though he's on a steady and optimistic track.
Leslie Loves Lyle Page 192

Lawyer Leslie Abramson discusses how she will try to spring Erik
and Lyle Menendez from prison for murdering their parents. She feels that
Erik is more normal now and she has had motherly feelings for him.
She also discusses Marcia Clark, Chris Darden, Gil Garcetti and the whole O.J.
Simpson circus trial. She ends off comparing herself to Mother Teresa.

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