The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Warren Report

Appendix II - White House Release


November 29, 1963

Office of the White House Press Secretary


The President today announced that he is appointing a Special Commission to study and report upon all facts and circumstances relating to the assassination of the late President, John F. Kennedy, and the subsequent violent death of the man charged with the assassination.

The President stated that the Majority and Minority Leadership of the Senate and the House of Representatives have been consulted with respect to the proposed Special Commission.

The member of the Special Commission are:

Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman

Senator Richard Russell (Georgia)

Senator John Sherman Cooper (Kentucky)

Congressman Hale Boggs (Louisiana)

Congressman Gerald Ford (Michigan)

The Hon. Allen W. Dulles of Washington

The Hon. John J. McCloy of New York

The President stated that the Special Commission is to be instructed to evaluate all available information concerning the subject of the inquiry. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, pursuant to an earlier directive of the President, is making complete investigation of the facts. An inquiry is also scheduled by a Texas Court of Inquiry convened by the Attorney General of Texas under Texas law.

The Special Commission will have before it all evidence uncovered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and all information available to any agency of the Federal Government. The Attorney General of Texas has also offered his cooperation. All Federal agencies and offices are being directed to furnish services and cooperation to the Special commission. The Commission will also be empowered to conduct any further investigation that it deems desirable.

The President is instructing the Special Commission to satisfy itself that the truth is known as far as it can be discovered, and to report its finding s and conclusions to him, to the American people, and to the world.

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