The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Warren Commission

Department of Treasury, Not Including Secret Service, Documents

This table outlines numbered documents listed by the Warren Commission submitted by the Department of Treasury, not including the Secret Service, and consists of 15 numbered and sub-documents.


01011/9/64Materials submitted by General Counsel Belin
0101a1/2/64Memorandum from the Deputy Commissioner of IRS summarizing income tax information re. LHO, JR,
0101b12/27/63Report from Intelligence Division of IRS to Mr. Sagalyn on tax returns of LHO and JR.
0101c11/23/63Report of SAs Parker and Smith re LHO
0101d10/4/63Copy of LHO application for employment
0101e11/26/63Memo of interview with Abe Kleinman re. JR
0101f10/31/47Report of Bureau of Narcotics re. JR
0101g12/19/63Report of Coast Guard re. LHO and JR
02191/9/64CaplingerJack Ruby
03032 letters to Lester D. Johnson, Asst. Com. of Customs, from Bureau of Customs, Laredo, TX
0303a1/8/64Letter to Johnson from Oran Pugh, Acting Customs Agent in charge RE. records of US departures and entrances into US and records of entry into Mexico from US kept by Mexican government
0303b1/13/64Letter to Johnson from Wm. M. Kline, Asst. Customs Agent in Charge, RE. trip into Mexico by LHO
10576/8/64Letter from James Rowley, Chief, SS, RE. Growth of the White House police to its present strength and growth of the White House detail up to 1950
10586/8/64Letter from James Rowley, Chief, SS, RE. Growth of the White House police, etc.
155010/13/64Letter from Robert Carswell, Special Assistant to the secretary, w/attached copy of SS White House manual in effect on 11/22/63


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