The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Warren Commission

Un-Sourced Documents

This table outlines numbered documents listed by the Warren Commission but not credited to any specific agency or individual and consists of 32 numbered and sub-documents.


0432bDismissal of Marting & Thorne
0432cBusiness correspondence
0432dSocial Security papers
0432eBank statements
0481FOUR DAYS - Historical Record of Death of President Kennedy (Compiled by UPI and American Heritage Magazine)
04913/17/64Letter from Philippe de Bausset, Washington correspondent, Paris Match with attached editions
0491aNo 764 - 11/30/63
0491bNo 765 - 12/7/63
0491cNo 766 - 12/14/63
0491dNo 768 - 12/28/63
0494Folder w/photos of LHO's clothing at time of shooting by JR
0495Folder w/photos of phone numbers found in pocket of pants worn by LHO when shot by JR
0858Five boxes of slides made from the Zapruder film of the assassination Numbered 1-36, 37-72, 73-108, 109-145, and 146-169
0972Two volumes of Writ of Habeas Corpus 1193, Ex Parte Jack Ruby, Realtor. (Bond Hearing); Vol I - Hearing held 11/23/63; Vol II - Hearing held 1/20/64
10861/10/22Judgment # 188845, Civil District Court, Division "d" - Margaret Keating, wife of Robert E. Lee Oswald, vs Robert E. Lee Oswald
10876/28/33Judgment # 202306, Civil District Court, Division "D" - Mrs Marguerte Claverie Pic, Jr. vs Edward J. Pic, Jr.
1240Copy of newspaper clipping entitled "Fort Worth defector Confirms Red Beliefs" by Aline Mosby bearing a dateline Moscow, Nov 14 (UPI) w/stamp Sun. Nov. 15, 1959
12617/20/64Memo to the files RE. Telephone interview of Rabbi Hillel Silverman concerning Jack Ruby's religious activities
1305Page 30 of the November 1963 issue (Vol 11, No 1) of PREVUE of DALLAS advertising "JADA" at the New Carousel Club of Jack Ruby
1374Photocopy of page 1 and page 11 of Late City ed. of NY TIMES, 12/11/63, w/article "Two Interviews: Castro's Reply to Kennedy Comments on Cuba" by Jean Daniel, foreign editor of L'Express
13908/11/64Letter from Looney, Watts, Looney, Nichols, & Johnson w/attachment
1390aCopy of K and R Investigation Service memo to Looney, Watts, Looney, Nichols, & Johnson RE. Investigation of William Duff of Dallas, TX
1401aExhibit 1-copy of a complaint Dann filed against Joe Tonahill with the American Trial Lawyers Assn on 8/5/64
1401b7/25/64Exhibit 2-Copy of a telegram to Joe Tonahill and Clayton Fowler from Dann
1401cExhibit 3-Letter to Dann from Phil Burelson
1401dDefendant's Formal Bill of Exceptions. Statements, Affidavits, & Authorities in Support thereof. Petition to Extend time to File Supplemental & Amended Formal Bill of Exceptions-No. E 4010 J w/Exhibits 1-6
1401e8/4/64Copy of telegram to Phil Burelson from Dann
1401f8/10/64Copy of letter to Burelson from Dann
1401g7/12/64Copy of news article "Psychiatrist Tells of Talk With Ruby - 'Do You Hear? The Crying of Children" from the Dallas Morning News
1401h7/30/64Copy of letter to Dann from F.W. Bartlett, Jr., Judge of Probate Court


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