The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Warren Commission

CIA Documents

This table outlines numbered documents submitted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and consists of 74 numbered and sub-documents.


010012/13/63DullesMemorandum RE. "Analysis of World Reaction to President Kennedy's Assassination" supplied by Mr. Dulles
03001/21/64Memorandum RE. Recent Soviet statements of Lee Harvey Oswald
03211/2/64Memorandum from Richard Helms, Deputy Director for Plans w/attachments
0321aChronology of LHO in USSR, October 1959 - June 1962
0321bName List with Traces
03471/31/64Information developed by CIA on the activity of LHO in Mexico City, 28 September - 3 October 1963 w/attached photo of Valeriy Vladimirovich Kostikov
03611/31/64Appendix B - Folder entitled "Biographic Information on Mrs. Oswald and her Relatives" w/cover letter from Thomas Karamessines, Acting Deputy Director for Plans, CIA
03842/19/63Letter from Richard Helms RE. Information developed by CIA on activity of LHO in Mexico City, September 28 to October 3, 1963
04262/21/64Letter from Richard Helms, DepDir/Plans w/attached translations from the Spanish of results of interrogations of Sylvia DURAN and her husband in Mexico City, November 23-28, 1963.
04483/5/64Memo report entitled "Summary of Findings in regard to Allegation by Mohammed REGGAB Relative to Marina Nikolevna OSWALD" submitted by cover letter to Rankin from Richard Helms
05283/18/64Memorandum from Richard Helms, Deputy director for Plans, CIA entitled "Article Alleging that Oswald was Interviewed by CIA in Moscow w/attachments A & B
063110/10/63Memorandum from Richard Helms w/attachments A & B RE. CIA Dissemination of Information on LHO
06743/24/64Memorandum from Richard Helms, Deputy Director for Plans, entitled "Information disseminated to the Secret Service but not yet made available to the President's Commission" w/attachments A,B, and C
06803/24/64Letter from Richard Helms forwarding "Appendix C to Chronology of LHO in USSR, October 1959-June 1962", which was forwarded to WC 1/25/64 and given CD 321
0691Appendix A - Questionnaire for Mrs. Marina Oswald - to CD 321
06923/6/64Memorandum to Mr. Rankin from Richard Helms, DD/Plans w/attached exact reproduction of CIA's official dossier on LHO
06983/31/64Memorandum from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. "Reports on Activities and Travel of Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Nikolevna Oswald" w/attachments A, B, C, D, and E
07084/6/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/plans, w/attached Reply to Questions in Memo of March 12 entitled "Certain Questions Posed by the State Department Files"
07104/3/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans RE. Richard Thomas Gibson
07264/7/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, CIA RE. Actions of Sylvia Duran after her first interrogation by Mexican authorities
08174/20/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. BND report pertaining to allegations concerning Anton Erdinger
08184/21/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Revisions of the "Chronology of Oswald in the USSR, October 1959 - June 1962
08444/24/64Memo form Richard Helms, DD/Plans RE. Lydia Dimytruk, Acquaintance of LHO
08714/29/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Photos of LHO and attachments A (Group of persons standing near Place of Culture in Minsk) and B (2 photos taken in LHO's apartment in Minsk in 1962)
09025/6/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans RE> Criteria for Dissemination of Information to the SS: Recommendations of the CIA Relative to Presidential Protection
09115/8/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, w/attached information RE. Marina Oswald's Notebook
09285/6/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, w/attached personality sheet on Lev Setyayev and folder entitled "Contacts Between the Oswalds and Soviet citizens-13 June 1962 to 22 November 1963
09315/13/64CC of memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans to JEH, FBI, RE. Lee Harvey Oswald's access to Classified Information About the U2
09355/15/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Role of the Cuban Intelligence Service in Processing Visa Applications; Reaction of that Service to the Assassination of President Kennedy w/attached report entitled "Lee Harvey Oswald"
09435/19/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans RE. Allegations of PFC Eugene B. Dinkin, US Army, relative to Assassination plot against President Kennedy; w/attachment
09445/19/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans RE. Hours of work at Cuban and Soviet Consulates; Procedures and Regulations for Issuance of Cuban Visas; Mexican Control of US Citizens' travel To and From Cuba
09715/22/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Anonymous telephone calls to US Embassy in Canberra, Australia, relative to planned assassination of President Kennedy, dtd 5/22/64, w/attached teletype #85691, dtd 11/29/63
09855/27/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Letter Accusing the Chinese Communists of Plotting the Assassination of President Kennedy, w/attached copy of teletype # 87796, dtd 12/9/63
09875/19/64Letter from John Macon, Director, w/attached affidavit that LHO was not an agent, employee, or informant of the CIA
09905/27/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Discussion between Chairman Khrushchev and Mr. Drew Pearson RE. LHO
10006/1/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans entitled "Gilberto Alvarado Ugarte" w/attachments
1000a11/26/63OUT teletype # 85089 RE. to Gilberto Alvarado
1000b11/27/63OUT teletype # 85199, subject Lee Harvey Oswald
1000c11/28/63OUT teletype # 85662, RE. to Gilberto Alvarado
1000d11/30/63OUT teletype # 86063, RE. to Gilberto Alvarado
1000e11/28/63OUT teletype # 86666, RE. to Gilberto Alvarado
1000f12/12/63Memo entitled "Mexican Interrogation of Giberto Alvarado
1000g12/7/63OUT teletype # 87667, subject Lee Harvey Oswald case
10116/3/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Documents on Lee Harvey Oswald Furnished by the Soviet Government"
10126/3/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt"
10416/5/64Memo from Richard Helms. DD/Plans, RE. Allegations Regarding Intelligence Training School in Minsk, USSR
10546/10/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Information concerning Jack Ruby (AKA Jack Rubenstein) and his associates
10896/12/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Letter Relative to Assassination of President Kennedy Sent to US Embassy in Costa Rica" w/ attached OUT teletype # 88643, dtd 12/12/63
10966/9/64Memo entitled "Eisenberg, Dennis, "Fascist's et Nazis d'Aujourd'hui" (Fascists and Nazis Today), Paris, Albin Michek, 1963 (22p)
11316/19/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Soviet Brainwashing Techniques" w/attachment
11596/26/64Paperback book "Fascistes et nazis d'Aujourd'hui", by Dennis Eisenberg (Fascists & Nazis of Our Day); sent by R. G. Rocca
11822/8/64Letter from Thomas H. Karamessines, Acting DD/Plans, RE. information about Soviet weapon mentioned in one of Oswald's documents
11886/29/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Investigation of allegation that LHO was in Tangier, Morocco
12017/1/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Lee Harvey Oswald's Arrival Time in Helsinki on 10 October 1959"
12167/2/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Lee Harvey Oswald"
12227/6/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Statements Reportedly made by George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt concerning LHO and the assassination of President Kennedy"
12737/22/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. apparent inconsistencies in Material Furnished the Commission by CIA and the Dept. of State
12877/23/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Lee Harvey Oswald and attached affidavit concerning cropped picture
13568/7/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Soviet Hunting Societies"
13587/31/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Length of Time Required for Obtaining Soviet Tourist Visas in Helsinki and Stockholm, 1964
14438/28/64Memo from Thomas H. Karamessines, Acting DD/Plans, RE. Konstantin Petrovich Sergievsky
14799/11/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. publication of documents furnished to the Commission by CIA, w/4/attachments
1479aCD 347 (Rev)
1479bCD 708 (Rev)
1479cCD 1356 (Rev)
1479dCD 1358 (Rev)
14839/14/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, RE. Length of time required for obtaining Soviet Tourist Visas in West Europe in 1964
14939/15/64Memo from Thomas H. Karamessines, Acting DD/Plans, RE. Information concerning Jack Ruby, AKA Jack Rubenstein, and his associates
153210/1/64Letter from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, w/copies of German documents seized by US authorities at end of WWII, concerning Joachim Joesten, author of "Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy?"; plus translations
154510/20/64Letter from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, entitled "Information developed on the activity of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City, dtd 6/4/64
15515/22/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, to Mr. Rankin w/attached report of conversation between Cunam President and Cuban Ambassador
15522/28/64Memo from Richard Helms, DD/Plans, to Mr. Rankin w/attachments
1552aSoviet Use of Assassination and Kidnapping
1552bSoviet press Reaction to the Assassination of President Kennedy


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