The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Warren Commission

Department of State Documents

This table outlines numbered documents submitted by the Department of State and consists of 93 numbered and sub-documents.


027810/10/57Office of Security Handbook, Chapter 700, entitled "Protection of Persons and Conferences"
02792/1/55WadeAssassination of Jose Antonio Remon, President of Panama
02805/10/57TerryAttempted assassination of Chang Myon, Vice President of Republic of Korea
02816/24/60Memorandum, Assassination attempt on President Betancourt, Venezuela
02828/8/60Memorandum, Attempted assassination of Nobuske Kishi, former Prime Minister of Japan
02835/24/62Memorandum, Attempted assassination of President Sukarno, Indonesia
02846/14/62Memorandum, Attempted assassination of President Sukarno, Indonesia
02859/27/62Memorandum, Attempted assassination of President DeGaulle
02861/25/63Assassination of President Olympio, Togo
02876/19/63Attempted assassination of Mohammed Khemisti, Foreign Minister of Algeria
02941/21/6412 files submitted by Abram Chayes Letter of transmittal
0294aLHO telegrams and Airgrams
0294bLHO Photostats
0294cLHO Photostats
0294dLHO - EUR Photostats
0294eSCS Oswald, Lee Harvey -Photostats
0294fLHO miscellaneous since Nov. 22,1963
0294gLHO statements (Photostats) formerly with Moscow Embassy
0294hOswald, Marina N.P. - VO file
0294iOswald - Moscow file
0294jOswald, Lee Harvey (Photostats) New Orleans, LA, 10/18/39 - PPT file
0294kOswald, Lee Harvey (Photostats) (SY) 39-61981
0294lOswald, Lee Harvey - LOAN
042711/29/63Memo Subject: Issuance of Passport to LHO
04422/28/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State Dept. w/attached copies of telegrams exchanged between State Dept. and AMEMB Mexico City
05593/6/64LustgartenMemo from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, RE. Lee Harvey Oswald re. two Dutch citizens on board Fronteras Transportes bus on 10/2/63 who couldn't ID LHO
07043/30/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, w/attached memo of conversation between SECSTATE and Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin RE. LHO in USSR
07254/3/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, w/attachments concerning Office of Security & its responsibility for continuing liaison w/SS and PRS
08434/24/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, w/attached memo to Mr. Ehrlich from John A. McVicker, Principal Officer, American Consulate, Cochabamba, Bolivia, RE. Lee Harvey Oswald, dtd 4/7/64
09125/8/64Letter from Abraham Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, w/attached answers to questions posed in Attachment B of Commission letter dtd. march 23, 1964
09574/28/64PlambeckLee Harvey Oswald
09675/22/64PlambeckLetter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, w/attached report entitled "Lee Harvey Oswald" RE. Interview of Leighton Colin HInkson & Frank W. Blades concerning Mexico trip, dtd 4/28/64
09705/22/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, RE. Exchange rate of the Russian ruble
09775/26/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, w/attached memo setting forth State Department responses to questions 1-4 of Attachment A of Commission letters dtd March 23; RE. Travel within, residence, and departure from Russia
09945/22/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, w/attached note and confidential memo from the Mexican Government of Foreign Affairs to the US Embassy w/translation, dtdt 5/14/64
10136/1/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, w/attached deposition of John Bryan McFarland and Meryl McFarland taken by Wilford V. Duke, US Consul at Liverpool, England
10816/12/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, w/attachments
1081a6/12/64USIS Paris message # 113
1081b6/6/64Bern telegram # 760
1081c6/6/64Department telegram # 734 to Bern
1081c6/9/64Kingston telegram # 146
10826/12/64Affidavit of James D. Crowley RE. his review of Office of Security file on LHO
11106/15/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, enclosing copy of note from Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Swiss Ambassador in Cuba and translation
11145/28/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, enclosing State Department files # 1 thru # XII
11156/4/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, State, enclosing State Department file # XIII
11222/8/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, w/attached letter received at US Embassy from LHO on 3/3/62 and undated letter received 4/30/62 from LHO
11346/22/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, w/attached Spanish translation which AMB Stadelhofer transmitted to Dep Minister of Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 28, 1964 & copy of airgram sent by AMEMB Bern; USIS msg # 31, 06/11/64
11356/20/64Letter from Leonard Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor w/attachments
1135aTranscripts of Voice of America Broadcasts
1135bMemorandum from Director of Voice of America
1135cIntelligence Reports
1135dDocuments RE. Casto's speeches
1135e11/22/63Press releases 600 & 601
11456/10/64Letter from Abram Chayes, Legal Advisor, w/attachments
1145a5/22/64Telegraph # 394 from State to Heksinki
1145b5/26/64Telegraph # 3594 from Moscow to State
1145c5/28/64Telegraph # 572 from Helsinki to State
1145d5/26/64Telegraph # 3593 from Moscow to State
11546/23/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, w/attachments
1154a6/9/64Certified copy of note from Mexican Department of Foreign Affairs w/enc
1154bTranslation of 1154a
11556/24/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, State, w/attachments
1155a6/9/64Telegram # 1590
1155b6/9/64Security Report
1155cPassport Notice 2300
11746/25/64Letter from Leonard Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, w/attached memo from Mr. Jenkins to Mr T. Erlich, w/attachment
12247/6/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, RE. information on State Dept. airgram A-127, dtd 2/01/64
13308/4/64Letter from Richard A. Frank, Atty, Office of Legal Advisor, w/attached copy of passport file of Waldemar Boris Kara-Patnitzky
13788/4/64Letter from Richard A. Frank, Office of Legal Advisor, to Mr. Rankin w/attachments
1378a7/31/64Copy of letter to David Henry, Director, SOV, State Dept, from Walter Stoessel, Jr. AMEMB, Moscow, w/attached RE> Konstantin Petrovich Sergievsky
1378bCopy of page from notebook w/notes in Russian
1378c7/29/64Memo of conversation at British Embassy, Moscow, between K.P.Sergievsky, Soviet citizen, B. Crowe, 3d Secy, British Embassy, & W. Morgan, 2d Secy, AMEMB, by Morgan
1378dCopy of memo of conversation by Mr Crowe w/heading "SERGIEVSKY, KONSTANTIN PETROVICH" w/att translation of Sergievsky's pencil note
1378eCopy of envelope addressed to David Henry, Esq., Director, SOV, State Dept
14108/18/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, State w/attachments
1410aCopy of provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 212(a)(15)
1410b3/20/61Three pages from the Foreign Affairs Manual, Part III - Vol 9 - Visas - 22 CFR 42.91 (a)(15) - Visa TL 443
1410c8/15/60One page from Visa Handbook, Part III - 22 CFR 42.91(a)(15) - Visa TL 390
14458/27/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting legal Advisor, w/attachments
1445a8/20/64Airgram from Embassy in Mexico City w/attached Note No. 507794
1445bTranslation of Note No. 507794
14538/31/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, w/attached Visa application of Oswald, w/translation
14629/3/64Memo to Mr David Slawson from Richard A. Frank, office of Legal Advisor, State, RE. additional documents required in connection with testimony of Secretary Rusk before Commission w/attachments
1462acopy of article "Unofficial Envoy, An Historic Report from two Capitols" by Jean Daniel - from 12/14/63 issue of NEW REPUBLIC
1462bCopies of all speeches of Castor during relevant period which are available to State
1462cCopies of statements and speeches made by officials of USG during relevant period
1462dSchedule of noon briefings by the State Dept. press spokesman dealing w/Cuba between July 1, 1963 and January 31, 1964
14909/14/64Letter from Leonard C. Meeker, Acting Legal Advisor, RE. Permission for Commission to publish certain documents provided by State
14919/14/64Memo from Richard A. Frank, Office of Legal Advisor, w/attached affidavit of Robert J. Korengold, dtd 9/8/64
15019/17/64Letter from Richard A. Frank, Office of legal Advisor, w/attachments
1501aParaphrase of telegram 3594
1501bParaphrase of telegram 572


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