About this manual

This manual is the first in a series of three. It stands on its own, however, as a complete instruction manual.

The purpose of this manual is to provide you with the basic knowledge and skill needed to operate as a Transformational Processing Facilitator. It is intended to provide the tools and the flexibility you need to help people in the direction of creating the realities they want and not the realities they don't want.

This manual is intended as a text book to accompany training sessions with a master facilitator. It is not a replacement for actual experience. The manual does, in theory, contain all the information and exercises you need. You can study it on your own, do the exercises, and make your own experiences with clients. However, you would be much better served by having an experienced facilitator around to interact with.

Last revision: 4 January 1995. 323 pages, 137665 words.
The materials in this pack are Copyrighted ⌐ 1993, 1994, 1995 by Flemming Funch
These materials may be copied and distributed freely for non-commercial purposes.

Published by: Transformational Processing Institute
17216 Saticoy Street #147, Van Nuys
California Republic, Postal Zone 91406

Phone: (818) 774-1462, Fax: (818) 774-9203

Internet E-mail: ffunch@netcom.com
Compuserve: 71053,1022
World Wide Web: http://www.protree.com/worldtrans/

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