New Civilization Network

The New Civilization Network (NCN) is a global network of people visualizing a better world and working on building it. A world of increased quality of life, freedom, fun and inspiration for all. A world where the needs of all of humanity are met.

We work independently or in teams on activities of our choice, and we coordinate and cooperate amongst ourselves when appropriate.

From these pages you can follow some of the things people are doing to support the emerging new civilization on planet Earth.

You can of course contribute to making a better world without being a member of NCN. However, NCN is an opportunity to be more in touch with other people who are working in a common direction, in either similar or very different ways. If you are interested in joining, you can do so through an on-line form by just filling in a bit of information about yourself.

There is a CD-ROM that contains most of the contents of the web site. It is called Starting Point for a New Civilization and contains about 6000 files.

Book List

These are books that either illustrate what a new civilization might be about, or that provide valuable tools for its construction.

Check also the list of Published Resources by NCN Members.

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