Lyssa Royal
Home Page

Lyssa Royal Holt is an internationally known author and channel. Her channelings, books and tapes deal with such subjects as our galactic heritage, extraterrestrial contact, frequencies of consciousness, ancient civilizations, world changes, and much more. All typically from a very integrated perspective. She most often channels the group consciousness Germane and the Pleiadian female Sasha. Lyssa lives in Arizona, but travels extensively around the world, often leading tour groups to sacred sites.


These are selected transcripts from the great number of taped channeling sessions. Most of them are done in front of a group and there are questions from the audience.


Prism of Lyra
- An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage

Future Sex

Visitors from Within

Preparing for contact
- A Metamorphosis of Consciousness

Upcoming Events

Links to other sites

About Lyssa Royal Holt

You can get a catalog of available materials by writing to:

Lyssa Royal Holt
PO Box 30973
Phoenix, Arizona 85046

(include two stamps or $1 for postage). Don't count on a personal answer to your communications as Lyssa gets a high volume of letters and is often busy traveling.

Drawing at the top by Michael Z. Tyree.
All materials Copyright © by RoyalPriest Research.
This page maintained by Flemming Funch <>.