Crypts and the homeless

Alec Dickson

It has been demonstrated by St Martin's in the Fields how help can be given to the homeless and others in all sorts of trouble, by conversion of the crypt for this purpose. The number of people in distress has greatly risen. Many City churches lack a role except for lunchtime services and special programmes. To convert a crypt for the homeless, to install the required equipment, protect access to the church proper (and property), cover all risks with insurance, and look after running costs - all this would cost money. But the City houses the richest corporations, banks, insurance companies, etc in Britain. St Mungo's, Centrepoint and similar bodies have shown what can be done - and that volunteers are forthcoming to help with the staffing. This would be a historic reversion to the time when the Church was the sole provider of welfare. It would coincide with a readiness amongst large, rich companies to project an image of corporate responsibility.

Alec Dickson, 19 Blenheim Road, London W4 IVB (tel 081 994 7437).

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