Computer Divorce Agreements

Gillian Brown

I am struggling with the design of a PC computer program to help divorcing couples reach agreement on financial relief and arrangements for children, without the distortions, expense and complications introduced by using lawyers.

The program consists of detailed questions requiring simple answers, and enables the partners to record their circumstances (which are then displayed graphically side by side) and to resolve their problems, in their own time.

The advantages include:

- A computer is patient and is thus an ideal tool for making mistakes and a multitude of drafts.
- Seeing the situation graphically, as a picture, helps detach the antagonists from the problem so that it can be looked at from arm's length.
- It would replace the extraordinary lawyer's method - he writes to his solicitor, who writes to her solicitor, who writes to her - if the message becomes somewhat garbled it is hardly surprising. It is easier to talk to the man on the moon.

'A PC computer program to help divorcing couples reach agreement on financial relief, without the distortions, expense and complications introduced by using lawyers'

- It ought to be cheaper.

I learnt the hard way to detect the difference between Law, law and lore, and ecclesiastical law. The parties have to come to an agreement and make proposals and give a financial account to the court. This sort of thing is not easy at the best of times; suddenly in divorce when the lines of communication are irretrievably broken down, it somehow becomes many other people's business.

A service backing this scheme would receive feedback, enabling improvements to be made, and it would keep records of how people do come to amicable agreements. Even at present, there must be success stories, but why do they not go on record?

I now have a pair of guinea pigs (a couple undergoing divorce) who each recognise that the computer is not taking sides. I had almost forgotten how difficult even the simplest things become during divorce proceedings.

Gillian Brown, Eastern Town, Meeth, Okehampton, Devon EX20 3EP (tel 0837 810643). Brown might be willing to enrol further guinea pig couples in trying out her program; and could do with help in refining its graphics.

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