Radio Social Inventions in Australia

Valerie Yule

Adapted from a letter about ABC Australia's very tentative hopes for a social inventions radio series in Australia. Valerie Yule is helping with advice for this.

There are ways of presenting social inventions on Australian radio to fit almost any budget, from lots to practically nothing. Even the social inventions competition could be run on a shoestring, with a Shoestring Award. All is not done for money,

I see a desperate need for Australians to develop more initiative, thinking, enterprise and sense of humour, and for young Australians to get that infection too. I would like to see, from any small beginning at all, extension of social inventing to a Radio 'Today's Invention', with some TV and video demonstrations of succesful inventions, a newspaper feature, and possibly an Australian journal, and an Annual Skillolympics under the guise of attracting tourists (which is currently an excuse for introducing any sort of social evil) but actually to get Australian minds out of mothballs.

I would see Australian social inventions as being fairly pragmatic as well as often funny, and not getting into philosophies like the UK Institute - at least not at first. Each session could include one far-out item, however, which could arouse lively comments. Topical problems could also be set, for new solutions that have not been attempted yet.

Valerie Yule, 57 Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3149 (tel 807 4315).

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