A Catalan organisation for promoting social innovation

Marti Olivella

Adapted extract from a letter to the Institute.

In 1990, a group connected to the Catalan Centre d'Estudis Joan Bardina began Ecoconcern as an association for the fostering of social innovation - especially for the designing of new institutional frameworks, alternatives to the present monetary system, in-depth studies of participatory democracy and ways of reducing land speculation.

Our group has diverse backgrounds (engineers, economists, journalists and businessmen) and we interact with 150 people in Catalonia and we send information to 150 international addresses.

We would like to learn from the experience of the Institute for Social Inventions in London (what legal form would be best? how can we obtain financial support?), and, as far as possible, to introduce your work in our country, or to set up joint training, research or publishing projects.

Marti Olivella, Secretary, EcoConcern, Can Riu, 08540 Centelles, Catalonia, Spain (tel 34 3 881 08 42; fax 881 13 21).

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