Institute Fellows

Valerie Yule

I propose that the title Fellow of the Institute for Social Inventions, FSI, should be conferred on those whose outstanding social inventions have been in practice successfully for at least four years.

'Very few innovations last as long as four years, but this is what really matters. 'Between the idea and the action falls the shadow' '

Most social inventions remain ideas only. Some social inventions get put into practice. Very few innovations last as long as four years, but this is what really matters. 'Between the idea and the action falls the shadow' (T.S. Eliot).

A great deal of effort goes into encouraging the young to have ideas - but astonishingly little into showing them the importance of the hard work and persistence required actually to put them into practice - and to persist in the work required beyond the first few years of disillusion and frustration.

Valerie Yule, 57 Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3149 (tel 807 4315).

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