International Futures Library

The International Futures Library in Salzburg claims to be the 'first public library specialising in the collection, interdisciplinary networking and distribution of future-oriented information.' Set up by Robert Jungk, author of 'The Nuclear State' and winner of the Right Livelihood Award, it has a staff of three and funding from the Salzburg and state authorities.

The library's future survey quarterly Pro Zukunft is published in German, but it would like to do an English version.

Catalogue of Hope

The International Futures Library has assembled over 600 reports of social inventions and social experiments from around the world. A first selection of 51 has been published under the title 'Katalog der Hoffnung' by the prestigious German publishing house Luchterhand (Frankfurt). It is edited by Robert Jungk and the library.

There are plans to publish similar collections of encouraging ideas at least every second year. The printed as well as unprinted reports will be preserved in a 'Data Bank of Hope', accessible to all those who are looking for good ideas and living examples of a more just, human and sustainable world.

The International Futures Library is at Imbergstrasse 2, Salzburg A 5020, Austria (tel 43-662 73206).

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