The Giraffe Project

The Giraffe Project in the States gives commendations to people who 'stick their necks out' for the common good, whether it is restoring an old barge under the Brooklyn Bridge into a concert centre, or developing a herb-growing enterprise in the South Bronx.

Ann Medlock, the founder and president of the Giraffe Project (which now has a staff of twelve) writes that 'a critical mass of grassroots citizen-activists can renew our communities, end poverty, clean up the environment and create a peaceful world.' Their Giraffe Schools Programme 'provides children with the stories of real people who as Giraffes live exciting lives. This role model approach will help children look forward to living such lives themselves.'

There is also a Giraffe Project office in Moscow with a staff of eight Russians.

The Giraffe Project, POB 759 197 Second Street, Langley, WA 98260, Whidbey Island, USA (tel 206 221 7989; fax 206 221 7817).

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