Ashes and annual wake in pub

From 'You and Yours', BBC Radio 4.

For a payment of between L50 and L5,000, the Packhorse pub in Bewdley, Herefordshire, is offering regular customers that it will place their ashes behind tiles in the pub and hold a wake in their honour when they die and once a year thereafter. L50 would buy a customer a tile by the urinals, L5,000 a spot close to the fire. The landlord, Coln O'Rourke, hopes that in due course there will be a wake celebration almost every night.

'It will place their ashes behind tiles in the pub and hold a wake in their honour when they die and once a year thereafter'

Coln O'Rourke, Packhorse Pub, High St, Bewdley, Near Kidderminster, Hereford (tel 0299 403 762).

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