20 minutes a week for peace and the environment

Adapted from an item by Phil Catalfo in Whole Earth Review, PO Box 38, Sausalito, CA 94966-9932. Subs. $33.

20/20 Vision's agenda is 'practical peacemaking and protecting the environment', concentrating on defence spending and reversing the arms race, but the model could be applied to virtually any issue where grassroots citizen involvement is at a premium. Subscribers (a $20 per year service fee is requested but not required) are guaranteed that they will not need to commit more than twenty minutes to carry out that month's action - usually, writing or phoning a legislator. Subscribers are assured that the recommended action will make the best possible use of their twenty minutes that month. Local people form a core group of five to ten members who commit themselves to four to five hours per month each, researching legislative issues affecting constituents, and recommending a lobbying action on a particular issue. The ultimate goal is to have many different area projects.

'They will not need to commit more than twenty minutes to carry out that month's action'

It works. Influential legislators are influenced, and wrongheaded government actions (such as the American Air Force's plan to install a Ground Wave Emergency Network tower in a local community) are averted.

20/20 Vision, 130 Cottage St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA (tel 413 549 4555).

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