Debating international conflict

Nicholas Albery

In the Falklands War (although less so in the Gulf War), the general public in the combatant countries did not have readily available both countries' in-depth perspective on the conflict as it developed. As an aid to understanding, the Security Council of the UN could require and finance both parties to an imminent conflict to place full page ads of a fixed number of words in the main newspapers of both sides and a dozen other principal newspapers globally, stating their position in numbered points. Each side would then have to reply to these point-by-point in a second series of ads; with a final third ad in reply to the reply. Then, so far as reason has a part to play in this sphere, it should be clearer to the general public and to world opinion which side has the better case.

Nicholas Albery, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 081 208 2853; fax 081 452 6434).

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