The Trickle Up Programme

Adapted extract from a leaflet and from an item by Francis Kinsman in Resurgence (No. 139).

The Trickle Up Programme, founded by Glen and Mildred Leet, has provided poor people in ninety-nine countries with seed money to help them realise their dreams.

'If groups are willing to invest a thousand or more hours of their unemployed time, they may apply for a grant of US$100 to start a business'

The conditions are that if groups of five or more people are willing to invest a thousand or more hours of their unemployed time, they may apply for a Trickle Up Programme grant of US$100, to be paid in two $50 instalments, to establish a profit-making enterprise. This must be one:

(1) That they have planned themselves;

(2) For which they have or can secure any necessary approvals or resources;

(3) Where the 1,000 hours of self-employment can be completed within three months;

(4) Where a profit is anticipated;

(5) Where not less than 20% of the profit will be reinvested;

(6) Where continuing and expanding levels of self-employment are anticipated; and

(7) For which they will send reports on their enterprise and results to Trickle Up Programme.

The Programme seeks to involve young people who have never had a job; and women, many of whom have never earned money for the work they do. There are over 183 types of Trickle Up Programme enterprises, ranging from auto repairs to vegetable raising.

Trickle Up Programme, 54 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10024, USA (tel 212 362 7958).

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