Engineers' aid to developing world villages

Professor Meredith Thring, engineer, is helping set up an organisation called Power Aid, which will work with the Intermediate Technology Development Group and others to develop renewable energy pilot projects in villages in the developing world.

'To develop renewable energy pilot projects in villages in the developing world'

Engineers would make contact with an engineering organisation in the chosen country. They would then select a suitable village or slum for a project. If villagers were enthusiastic then work would start - on anything from a windmill to a solar concentrator or leaf fractionation system.

Thring writes that 'Power Aid looks hopeful now that the World Bank has begun to realise that its giant projects do not help the poor and land the countries in vast debts.'

Prof. Meredith Thring, Bell Farm, The Street, Brundish, Suffolk IP13 8BL (tel 037 9384 296).

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