Europe of Many Circles

'Europe of Many Circles - Constructing a Wider Europe' by Richard Body, published by New European Publications Ltd, 14-16 Carroun Road, London SW8 1JT, L14-95, ISBN 1 872410 01 4.

'Europe of Many Circles' is the first book that reveals how it is possible to return to a 'human scale' Europe, one that relishes the smallness of even its smallest Liechtensteinian-size members, and that would not for a moment dilute their ethnic and cultural diversity. It is a book that celebrates Leopold Kohr's vision of applying 'small is beautiful' to nation-state size; and a book that is in tune with the break-up of the Soviet empire in Eastern Europe and out of tune with the Dellorian EC fat cats. It argues, quite simply, that 'small nation states should decide for themselves what is most appropriate for themselves; and when they decide for themselves that their interests converge with one or more neighbouring nation-states, then a circle of interest can be formed, and within that circle they can act together for the common advantage of the people who live in the circle.' An example Body gives is that of patents: European countries, including three non-EC members, have quietly and successfully agreed a common patent policy for new inventions.

So: let there be simply ad-hoc groupings for particular purposes, rather than some massively over-centralised EC bureaucracy. 'Accountability, as a principle of parliamentary democracy,' Body writes, 'must itself be on a human scale. The size of a constituency is crucial to its practicality; and no matter how hard the Euro MP tried, his accountability to 500,000 constituents could only be a sham and a charade.'

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