Let's Talk stickers

Denis O' Brien

People who would like to talk on an impromptu basis in public could wear a 'Let's Talk' badge or sticker. Others seeing the sign would be able to open conversation without fear of feeling presumptuous or rude or interfering. The cost of the stickers could be paid for by advertising. Humour could be integrated into the concept, for example, 'I am a Charlton Chatterer,' 'Tetley Talker' or 'Sainsbury Stutterer'.

'Trains, buses, shops and other public and private places could start to buzz with chatter'

Trains, buses, shops and other public and private places could start to buzz with chatter. Each journey to work could be exciting, unpredictable and human. There could be even be special talking and non-talking compartments on the tube.

Once the idea is made public, I could see it as a subject of much media interest. The Sun would print a photo of two people talking, British Gas would sponsor 'Will Sid Please Talk to Me' stickers. Being British, we would all use the excuse of talking (rather jokingly) about the scheme as an entree to more serious conversation.

Denis O'Brien, 20 Brookscroft, Linton Glade, Forestdale, Addington, Croydon, Surrey CRO 9NA (tel 081 657 4148).

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