Return to sender stickers for junk mail

Eric Walker

I have got fed up with all the junk mail that I get. I wrote off months ago to the Mail Preference body to try to stop it, but there does not seem to be any let up.

So I had labels with a message printed by Able-Label:


Message to sender. Please delete my name from your mailing list and save yourself money and cut the wastage of paper.

I just stick them over my address on the offending mail and pop them back in a letterbox. It may not do any good but I feel better for it!

I can supply them for L1 per 100, or people can order 1,000 direct from Able-Label for L3-25, and can give them out as presents to their friends.

- Able-Label, Steeple Print Ltd, 5 Mallards Close, Earls Barton, Northampton (tel 0604 810781).
- Eric Walker's address is Exchange Value Video Club, Nacton, Ipswich, IP10 OJZ (tel 0473 717088).

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