Brain Clubs

Tony Buzan's Brain Club is designed to encourage its members to build up a range of mental and physical skills through the Brain Club Curriculum and through book reading, tapes, practice, competition, networking and mentors. For those who wish, accomplishment levels in the different skill areas may be graded and certified. Its international members live in the UK, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, USA and Canada and they organise meetings when required.

Tony Buzan is the author of books such as 'Use Your Head' and 'Use Your Memory'. The curriculum is potentially quite tough: for example master grade 1 in speed reading goes to those who can read 1,000 words per minute with 70% comprehension, with master grade 10 for those reading 10,000 words per minute. And those of us who find it hard to remember 20 items on a tea tray may be daunted by the Master 10 requirement to memorise 10,000 useful items.

Brain Club membership costs L67 for the first year. Contact Buzan Centres Ltd, Suite Two, Cardian House, 37 Waterloo Road, Winton, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 1BD (tel 0202 533593; fax 0202 534572).

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