Shorter meetings

Vincent Nolan

A way of shortening business meetings considerably is to put the name of the person who asked to have an item included on the agenda, and the length of time it is expected to take to discuss it. In this way, the person who called the meeting, or that particular part of it, can always be readily identified. The 'owner' of the agenda item is also asked what specifically he or she wants from the other people present - ideas for solving the problem, advice and opinions, information, or support for a decision already taken. The objective is to make sure that everyone knows the purpose of each discussion and what is expected from them all through the meeting.

'The 'owner' of the agenda item is also asked what specifically he or she wants from the other people present - ideas for solving the problem, advice and opinions, or information'

The time taken on each item is reported to the group at the end, which tends in the long run still further to reduce the length of meetings, as the 'owners' of agenda items begin to feel responsible for how the time under their control is used.

Vincent Nolan, Synectics Ltd, Fernville House, Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5BH (tel 0442 247152). For more details, see Nolan's book 'Communication', published by Sphere Books.

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