Computer matched group members

Tony Judge proposes the computer matching of individuals who wish to join a social network, and who would then be allocated to groups of between 7 and 15 people. They could specify the type of group they were looking for (social action, artistic, travel, intellectual, etc) or types of people (introverts, extraverts, etc). They would meet privately; and after each meeting their individual questionnaire replies to the computer HQ would indicate their preference for the next meeting, for example:

- If so and so is still in the group, I do not want to participate.
- Unless at least X existing members continue, I do not want to participate.
- Unless so and so is in I do not want to participate.

Resulting mini-groups could, if they wished, be matched with others or with newcomers by the HQ, which might also be able to supply group dynamic experts to groups wanting such assistance. For the members the group process itself would anyway be a very rich learning experience, facilitating the emergence of many mature, self-aware, self-motivated groups.

Tony Judge makes a number of interesting points:

- Such a network would take the load off the average two-person relationship, where other interactions outside the couple often remain either superficial, vicarious or illicit.
- 'Stronger' groups would be more capable of integrating divergent tendencies.
- Presumably the more mature a group becomes, the more it will tend to formulate and implement innovative programmes of wider social significance.
- This idea, with analogies to computer dating, could be taken up by enterprising city groups; or it could be tried out at large group conferences.

Extracted from a detailed four page proposal by Tony Judge, Union of International Associations, rue Washington 40, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (tel 32 2 640 1808; fax 32 2 649 3269).

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