Bike with wheelchair on front

Neatwork in Berwickshire are distributing a bike with a detachable wheelchair on the front (which acts as the front wheels of the bike). It is 'a wheelchair tandem that lets a wheelchair user and a friend ride together in comfort and style. You can chat together as you move along, and the chair user is active and involved - map reading, indicating, taking photos - and there's no more lifting in and out of cars to do.'

This 'Duet' bike is imported from Germany, where 400 have been made, with some 30 sold in Britain to date, at prices from L1,800. Any profits made by Neatwork are going to help make an activity centre in the Scottish borders for families with disabled members.

Neatwork, the Lees Stables, Coldstream, Berwickshire TD12 4NN (tel 0890 3456; fax 0890 2709). Neatwork also sell bike trailers, bike child trailers and other unusual bike products.

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