Faster tube platforms

The Institute for Social Inventions proposes that London Transport and other operators of underground train networks provide a series of simple small notices on the tube wall on the other side of the rails, facing the traveller waiting on the platform. One notice, for instance, might carry a message to the effect that 'Boarding the train at this point on the platform will give you the least walk the far end, if you are planning to change for the Bakerloo line at Paddington'; another might say that this was the best spot for those going to Holland Park Station. And so on. The notices need not be precisely in the correct location, as this might otherwise interfere with the advertisements (or they could be above the advertisements). They would not only save the traveller's time, but would alleviate the rush and congestion on the platform the other end.

'Boarding the train at this point on the platform will give you the least walk the far end, if you are planning to change for the Bakerloo line at Paddington'

This small and inexpensive innovation, requiring minimal upkeep, would help persuade the public that London Transport's orientation is towards caring for its customers.

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