Car Sharers' Credit Card Club

Roger Martin

Adapted from a paper by Roger Martin.

This proposal is for a system of small government payments to drivers to encourage them both to give lifts. A meter in cars would record the identity card number of those seeking lifts, and the total mileage of the lift.

Pro-rata with the number of miles of club-member lifts given, drivers would be given credits against the following year's licence fee, or a net cash payment for larger mileages.

'Drivers would be given credits against the following year's licence fee'

Editorial comment

Apart from the bureaucracy and machinery involved, the main snag with this scheme seems to be the ease with which fake mileage claims could be run up, which no system of 'government inspectors', as proposed, could do much about. The Californian proposal of lottery prizes for car-sharing drivers passing though toll booths or check-points (see above) seems preferable - but not, maintains Roger Martin, for the UK:

'There is no pre-existing network of road toll-booths in Britain. I believe my own proposal is more appropriate as well as being cheaper and more flexible, although some kind of lottery could doubtless be tacked onto my scheme as an additional incentive.'

For the full 5 page paper on the car sharers' credit club, contact Roger Martin, Coxley House, Upper Coxley, Wells, Somerset BA5 1QP (tel 0749 72180).

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