Concession-rate therapy

'The Holistic Health Concessions Register' is an informal telephone service detailing private therapists or alternative medicine practitioners who are prepared to make 'realistic' concessions to the unemployed or people on low incomes.

It was started by Sarah Mole, a single parent living in Poplar on social security. 'I went looking for therapy myself,' she says, 'and I was put off by the exorbitant fees. It made me cringe to go round asking for a cheaper rate.'

The register, run by David Burke, is free to those seeking information. There are over 250 practitioners on the books (covering acupuncture, reflexology, psychotherapy, homeo-pathy, counselling, osteopathy, massage, hypnotherapy, dietary therapy, assertion training, aromatherapy, metamorphic technique, alexander technique, spiritual healing, rebirthing and iridology). More practitioners, prepared to offer concessions to the low wages or unemployed, are welcomed. They are asked to pay a L10 subscription fee to fund the Register.

Holistic Health Concessions Register, 55a Longbridge Rpad, Earls Court, London SW5 9SF (tel 071 244 7578).

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