Community or Penitence Stamps

Mr W.D. Harrison proposes that Community Stamps valued at L5, L10 and L20 be issued by the courts, the police, traffic wardens, railway and bus inspectors, car park attendants, public servants or sports officials for compulsory purchase by minor offenders - those for instance who drop litter, let their dogs foul the pavement, abuse the police or vandalise. These would be for cases where a court appearance or a normal fine would be inappropriate or where the offender preferred an on-the-spot reckoning. The funds realised would be used to support local community facilities.

Stamps would have to be produced for inspection within a defined period, or the amount would be doubled at intervals until the sum was large enough to warrant court proceedings.

People could also voluntarily buy these stamps if concerned to improve their community, either as a form of penance for something they know they have done wrong, or more simply as part of some social fund-raising event, or to replace the office or factory 'swear box'. Harrison believes that the purchaser should be given a choice of which local amenities - hospital, library, schools, parks, etc - his stamp money would go to.

'People could also voluntarily buy these stamps if concerned to improve their community, as a form of penance for something they know they have done wrong'

Penitence Stamps

Children could be introduced to a junior variant, with small Penitence Stamps stuck into a folder at each misdemeanour. When a page was full, the child might have do do a minor task during break, or see the head, or have the parents purchase the page. In secondary schools only, the pupils would have to pay between L1 and L10 for their stamps.

A Snakes and Ladders-type game introducing the whole concept has also been designed and successfully tried out at the Basildon Primary School, with three more schools about to try it.

Harrison has written to a very large number of influential people and organisations, campaigning for this proposal. Any school or other organisation willing to give these stamps or the game a try please contact W.D. Harrison, Casita, 12 St David's Road, Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex SS16 6HA (tel 0268 412462).

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