Displaying bills to shame overchargers

Any organisations or establishments open to the public or with a newsletter of some sort might be interested in the following amusing way of combatting overcharging by plumbers, solicitors or other such service-providers:

'Whenever the owners receive an excessive bill for services rendered, they display the bill and, if possible, the accompanying explanation'

Traquair House in Peeblesshire in Scotland is a stately home open to public, with a museum displaying ancient documents such as recipes and accounts. It now has a new section: whenever the owners receive an excessive bill for services rendered, they display the bill and, if possible, the accompanying explanation from the professional concerned. Solicitors, accountants and others are put to shame when their hourly rates are disclosed.

Traquair House, Innerleithen, Peeblesshire EH44 6PW, Scotland (tel 0896830 323).

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