The Foundation for Appropriate Economic Solutions

A Foundation in Salzburg, Austria, has been established by Helmut von Loebell. The Foundation for Appropriate Economic Solutions (Dialogzentrum fur angemessene Wirtschaftsweisen) is aiming for international and interdisciplinary dialogue on more just economic forms for humanity and the planet. It will act as a centre for disseminating appropriate and innovative economic solutions, with a bias towards those that have a 'human scale'. It will enter into dialogue with socially relevant groups in society, whether churches, workers' unions, political parties, people's initiatives, self-governed enterprises - indeed with anybody who has ideas as to economic solutions for society tomorrow. It hopes to become a major 'crossroads' for future-oriented networks.

Its first project is the study 'Alternative and Appropriate Economic Models - in theory and practice'. The Foundation will have a board of three people and a steering committee consisting of Nicholas Albery, Frank Bracho, Erszebel Gidai, Gerald Hafner, Hazel Henderson, Rolf Homann, Robert Jungk, Robert Muller, Ziauddin Sardar, Jakob von *exkull, Michaela Walsh and James Robertson.

'A centre for disseminating appropriate and innovative economic solutions, with a bias towards those that have a human scale'

Helmut von Loebell, The Foundation for Appropriate Economic Solutions, Nonntaler Haupstr. 58a, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria (tel 43 662 84 46 19, fax 43 662 84 81 53).

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