'Create', encouraging enterprise through community projects

Linda Brookes

'Create' is a non-profit-making organisation which believes that people are the most important resource of Cleveland. Through its staff it helps individuals and organisations to foster an enterprising environment which encourages new ideas and creative responses to change.

'Create provides a consultant facilitator and working capital to self-managed groups working on projects of community benefit'

Create provides a consultant facilitator and working capital to self-managed groups working on projects of community benefit. But Create works across and with all sectors: with unwaged and community groups; in government training schemes both with trainees and supervisors and managers; in education with governors, teachers and pupils; and in the public, private, commercial, statutory and voluntary sectors. Create is setting up a training course to accredit other facilitators in the Create model of enterprise facilitation and it offers training courses to industry and others. It also organises conferences about training. Create has a staff of 15, including seven facilitators and consultants.

It receives a cocktail of funding from the Training Agency (for whom it runs a national pilot), local industry and the county council.

Its underlying principles can be encapsulated as follows:

- Everyone can be enterprising given proper encouragement and the right environment.
- Through its work, Create inspires others to meet change in positive, proactive and powerful ways.
- Create has a responsibility to be a pioneer in its field on behalf of the community.
- Work with Create should be fun for staff and participants, and should have positive outcomes for participants, leading to positive outcomes for the community.
- All the people Create works with deserve respect and our best professional standards. Create strives to be honest in its work and to create a bond of mutual trust between itself and the individuals and organisations with whom it comes into contact.

Create Development Trust Ltd (enterprise skills development through community benefit projects), 7/9 Eastbourne Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, Cleveland (tel 0642 850229).

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