Zoo-Zoo Vouchers

A 'local currency' scheme reported by the American Schumacher Society concerns Zoo-Zoo, a 'natural foods' restaurant in Oregon, USA, now defunct, but which flourished for many years as a workers' cooperative. On one occasion they decided to expand and move to larger premises. To finance the move they held benefits and persuaded friends to lend them money, but this still left them $10,000 short. They raised this amount by pre-selling future meals, issuing $10 food vouchers, stamped 'Help the Zoo now' and with varied 'Valid after' dates - to prevent people redeeming them in one rush.

'They raised $10,000 by pre-selling future meals, issuing $10 food vouchers'

Even the carpenters working on the new premises accepted part payment in Zoo-Zoo food vouchers, and customers bought more than they would need to give to friends. Zoo-Zoo food voucher customers were their best advertisers, bringing friends who paid in dollars.

Five businesses in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, have since copied Zoo-Zoo's example, with help from the Schumacher Society. One restaurant owner - spurned by the banks for a loan to be able to move across the road when his lease expired - issued 500 of his own Deli Dollars. Each note sold for $9 and could buy $10 worth of food, as long as customers waited at least six months to redeem it.

Susan Witt, E. F. Schumacher Society, Box 76, RD 3, Great Barrington MA 01230, USA (tel 413 528 1737).

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