White Buffalo - Peace Day


Healing Circles of Life

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June 21st, 1996


On Aug. 20, 1994 a white buffalo calf was born -- an astonishing and singular genetic event in the history of a native species (American Bison) that was nearly hunted to extinction the previous century. The white buffalo calf was named "Miracle."

For Native Americans, this birth is a sign from Spirit fulfilling ancient prophecy. In legend it was White Buffalo Calf Woman who brought the Sacred Pipe and Path of Peace to Lakota (Sioux) peoples. Birth of the white buffalo calf indicates events on Earth have entered an era of rapid change and transformation. For one, the birth portends return of of American Bison. Read the words of Lakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse:


Global Healing


June 21st, 1996

I, Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Sacred Pipe for the Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Nation, ask all Nations and Faiths on Mother Earth to declare June 21st, 1996


According to spiritual leaders and Elders who gathered at the United Nations -- and again at Six Nations, Canada -- "signs" of Indigenous people's prophesies have shown themselves to tell us it's time to mend the Sacred Hoop: global healing by work for world peace and harmony.

Birth of the White Buffalo Calf lets us know we're at a crossroads either return to balance or face global disaster. It is our duty to return back to sacred places and pray for world peace. If we do not do this, our children will suffer.

Before White Buffalo Calf Woman brought the Sacred Pipe to our ancestors, a Seer was traveling in the Sacred Black Hills of Wyoming - Pa Ha Sapa, "heart of everything that is." At Grey Horn Butte (known as Devil's Tower), the Seer came on a large tipi. Inside he saw the Sacred Pipe in the North and Sacred Bow and Arrow Bundle in the South.

According to Star Knowledge, six stars designate six sacred sites in the Black Hills. These are sacred places to pray. We are told there is a sacred site every hundred miles around Mother Earth. We ask all people to return to these places and pray from their hearts with us.

It was decided according to Star Knowledge June 21st is the time to pray. Indigenous people of Turtle Island will begin their spiritual journey on horseback from Wahpeton, Saskatchewan, Canada to Grey Horn Butte. There, indigenous peoples will pray with the Sacred Bundle Keepers to begin restoration of peace and balance.

We ask all Peoples to organize their ceremonies at their sacred sites in the manner they pray so they will pray at their sacred centers at the same time as we at ours. The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. South Dakota (Mountain) time.

So far, we've spoken to leaders around the world and each has committed to support June 21st, 1996. We ask all peoples of all nations and faiths to respond and support our efforts for world peace and harmony --

-- our circle of life where there is no ending and no beginning --

May peace be with you all
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe


For more information, or make donations:

USA: Elizabeth Stinson 707-829-3443
4760 Paulson Lane, Sebastopol CA 95472

CANADA: Bonnie Freeman 905-525-9140 ext 27426
McMaster Univ. Indigenous Studies, Hamilton, Ontario.

Michele Lord e-mail mosa@netcom.com; David Yarrow e-mail dyarrow@igc.apc.org *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


David & Valerie Heider live south of Janesville, Wisconsin on Rock River. Saturday morning, Aug. 20, 1994 one of their buffalos calved a female. David's first concern was the calf's health. He's seen many still-born calves and calves that live only hours or days. On occasion he lost both calf and mother.

"When the calf stood, I froze," said farmer Heider. It had a pale, nearly white, coat. The pale coat wasn't a great concern. The Heiders were aware a white coat is rare in buffalo, but weren't aware many believe the strain had completely died out.

Nor were they aware the significance a white buffalo has for Indian peoples. They became aware when news of the white calf attracted attention of both media and Native Americans. A tree decked with prayer ties, medicine wheels, sage & sweetgrass is silent witness that many Indian people come to pay respects., Phone calls from NY to Florida show great interest in the calf.

American Bison Federation wants blood samples to test if the calf is true buffalo or a cross with cattle. Heider dismissed the tests; although he owns Longhorn and African cattle, the only bull on his land the past five years is Marvin, the bull buffalo that sired the white calf. Ironically, Heider almost sold Marvin last year.

The newborn is a first rare albino buffalo in 50 years. Blood tests can't detect genetic traits that create albinos, so Heider must wait until the calf sheds its first coat in three months to be sure. When buffalo covered the Great Plains, odds of an albino were 1 in 10 million. Experts thought the albinism gene was lost when buffalo were hunted to near-extinction in the late 1800s.

Genetic testing isn't needed to determine if the calf is albino. She is clearly not albino since she lacks red eyes and pink skin of an albino. Her eyes are clearly the dark brown of buffalo. Mr. Heider said they have had numerous offers to buy the calf. They aren't comfortable with her commercial exploitation and rule out selling her to a zoo, circus or similar commercial enterprise. They'd sell her to Native Americans.

The Heiders don't plan to keep her white shoulder coat when she sheds her birth coat this fall. They can't handle large numbers of visitors; their narrow, winding road isn't safe to handle a lot of traffic, a shortage of parking space, et cetera. Milwaukee Intertribal Council volunteered round the clock security of the calf.


"When we walk upon Mother Earth, we always plant our feet carefully
because we know the faces of our future generations
are looking up at us from beneath the ground.
We never forget them."
Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper, Onondaga Nation


For a green and peaceful planet for the Seventh Generation David Yarrow at Turtle EyeLand
c/o Broeckx, P.O. Box 6034, Albany, NY 12206
Birth of the White Buffalo Calf lets us know we are at a crossroads -- either return to balance or face global disaster. It's our duty to return to sacred places and pray for world peace -- if we do not do this, our children will suffer.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Nation
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe


This material came from PeaceNet, a non-profit progressive networking service. For more information, send a message to peacenet-info@igc.apc.org


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