By: Rowena Wall

- Pluto Transiting in Sagittarius -

You can almost smell it in the air. You can feel it on your skin. And in that

deep and darkest part of your soul, you know that change is coming to us all!

While it would be nice to ignore it - we cannot. For this is a time of growth and

spiritual development for each of us.

From an astrological standpoint, nothing could reflect this coming change

more than what we have going on in the Universe at this time. On November 11th,

1995, PLUTO will move into the sign of SAGITTARIUS, where it will

stay until well after the turn of the century (2008).

Two months later, on January 12, 1996, URANUS will also move

into its home sign of AQUARIUS. Both of these planets have to do with

CHANGE. They bring their changes in their own special ways - but still it is

change. And the effect will be to carry us into a potentially turbulent time as

we head toward the next century!

PLUTO is currently preparing to leave its twelve year march through its home sign of SCORPIO . Since Pluto rules Scorpio, Pluto has had a

"field day" here. There have been ENORMOUS changes in the world in every

single area of our lives. The list is very long - but think: the Berlin Wall came

crumbling down; AIDS was identified and became a recognized epidemic;

governments have toppled; massive changes in the sexual behavior of all of us;

remarkable advances in medicine; violence has increased; and on and on the

litany goes.

This has been a particularly turbulent time for the FIXED signs of





intensity of Pluto has been amplified in Scorpio, and the changes have been

dramatic indeed. Is there one among us that cannot recall a friend who has had

MASSIVE problems? Some have been very ill; others have lost homes and

jobs and spouses, only to start over again and emerge like the Phoenix from

the fires of destruction.

Always remember that astrology is SYMBOLIC of what is surrounding us.

We are always given free will in what we do. But the potential of what we may

encounter is reflected in the symbolism of Astrology. The symbology of Pluto in

Scorpio has been clear - total and complete transformation on almost every level.

The lesson of"letting go" has been one that has come hard for many of us. And

there are few among us who have not been called upon to learn this lesson.

Letting go is never easy - but it must be done in order to make room for the

new and good. In short - a vacuum must be created in order for the new and

wonderful to fill it.

Many of us have learned that it is not necessary to have a lot of material

wealth in order to be happy. We have come to recognize that the love of our

families and other close associates is more valuable than any material wealth

could ever be.

As Pluto moves into SAGITTARIUS, we will be asked to address new

issues. Clearly, lessons in "religion" will be high on the agenda. Pluto briefly

moved into Sagittarius earlier this year, from January 17th through April 19th.

Think about what happened then to give you some clues about the future.

There already exists in this country the potential for great religious disputes.

Clearly, this will accelerate during this transit. Great opportunities for spiritual

growth will be with us, but we must be open and ready to accept these opportunit-

ies. And it is important to know that what we feel will be felt on a very deep soul

level. Other changes we can expect will be in travel, schooling and relations with

foreign countries and foreigners in general . Remember, there is already a move

on to change the immigration laws in this country. Pluto in Sag reflects this - and

it also says there will be a power struggle to effect it. This great snowball effect will

be felt globally, and all will be called upon the make decisions about spiritual

values and aspirations.

Look also for major changes in the Judiciary. Our legal system is long

overdue for major changes. The last few years have given us legal fiascoes in the

court system, beginning in Los Angeles with the various trials surrounding Rodney

King and the destructive results. The Menendez Brothers came next and now we

have the great drama wrought by OJ'S trial. Clearly the system needs MAJOR

overhaul and the Pluto in Sag transit will highlight these things and no doubt

bring the long needed reform.

How will it affect you on a personal level? Your astrological chart has the

answer to that question. Of course, it is important to remember that one must

look at the progressions in your chart first to see what the potentials might

be. These are where the major activities of your chart are shown. However, the

transit of Pluto will also highlight an area of your life and it will tell you what you

most likely will be dealing with in the upcoming years in general terms.

Below you will find some general comments about how this might

affect you. It is important to remember that aspects must be considered, along

with the progressions as I stated above. Even so, the comments on the House

wherein the Transit of Pluto will occur will give you some excellent insight.

Do bear in mind that it is a thumbnail sketch, however, and that other factors

in your chart should be considered to get a complete picture.

Find the sign of Sagittarius in your chart. It will be on the cusp of one

of the twelve houses. This is the HOUSE where Pluto will be transiting.

Select from the list below the appropriate House from your chart, and you

will get a good idea of what to expect.

FIRST HOUSE............... FIFTH HOUSE................NINTH HOUSE




Copyright 1995 Rowena Wall


Rowena Wall is a Professional Astrologer and Tarot Reader.

You can E-Mail her at Starstuff@Delphi.com or starstuff@mylink.net .

She is also the Sysop of the Astrology Forum for Delphi Internet Online

Services. Visit her Home Page at http://www.eskimo.com/~pageless/starstuff.

If you would like further information about procuring her professional services,

you can Email her at Starstuff@Delphi.com or starstuff@mylink.net.

Rowena does a number of different charts for her international clientele.

Forecasting Charts are her most popular and she does accept MC/Visa.

She also publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, STAR SOURCE, and if you would

like a FREE copy of the newsletter, please send your MAILING ADDRESS

and name to Starstuff@Delphi.com or Starstuff@mylink.net.

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd