Reconnecting With Nature

An Invitation to Join the Debate

New discussion list: The Art, Science and Spirit of Nature Connected Community

Announcing a mailing list for Nature/Psychology/Learning

Let your E-mail help technology bring you back to nature! Join our internet group where you informally write to one address and several people receive your letter, and you receive theirs.

Would you enjoy hearing and considering people's personal connections with nature and sharing with them how their letters made you think or feel? Would you enjoy sharing your beneficial nature experiences with others, worldwide, on the internet?

Let language and reason further your enjoyment of the natural beauty of Earth on the new Nature Connect mailing list by sending an e-mail message to:

with the following words in the body of your e-mail message:

subscribe natureconnect

Or write for more information by sending an e-mail message to the same address,

with the following words in the body of your message:

info natureconnect

List purpose: A place in cyberspace to share and react to natural experiences, thoughts and feelings.

Object: Responsible Information-Fun-Rejuvenation-Community-Ecopsychology-Observations

Description: "Nature is the unseen intelligence that loved us into being," noted Elbert Hubbard. This list provides a place to gather, share and react to information gained from hands-on experiences with nature in people and places. It entertains and supports responses to some of the following questions:

What are your most memorable positive experiences with nature as a child? As an adult?

Have you ever been in nature and emotionally, psychologically or spiritually recognized part of yourself there or vice versa?

How does nature's beauty make you feel?

Have you had any affirming childhood or recent experiences with nature, in places or people, that you'd like to share with others?

How has your contact with nature beneficially influenced you?

Are good feelings from contact with nature learned or inherent?

Have you found anything in nature that explains how nature functions without producing garbage?

How do children experience nature before they learn to talk? After? Upon finishing school?

Have you seen war or insanity prevalent in nature?

Have you had experiences with nature building character, being unexplainable or modifying behavior?

What have you personally experienced to be the relationship between nature and love, spirit or integrity?

Have you ever felt or observed examples of nature thinking?

Does nature act by sensory consensus? Is it conscious of itself?

How is the natural world different from a dream?

To share these and related topics is why we invite you to join this list

Are you discouraged by the growing violence, mental illness and hatred in our society? Does the destruction of our forests, wildlife and oceans cause you distress? Help heal the wounds inflicted on our planet and ourselves. Project NatureConnect is a fun and innovative program offering books, email courses, workshops and a mailing list that reconnect us with personal and global sanity.

Net Happenings Digest, MIDnet October, 1995

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd