A Poem and a Letter from Richard

In honour of my Uncle Newmas, who died last year, and was a great musician

Memories Never Die

Tears will dry

But memories will keep burning

A painful blow to me

We parted forever

You went to an unknown destination

You went away

With all the wisdom

Tears still trickle down my cheeks

You were a rose amongst thorns

You left us in this treacherous world

You were a harbinger of joy and pride

You made our home glitter with wit and coherence

You cared for us

Days will fly but memories will never die

You worked so tirelessly for our pride and joy

You worked and worked

Our breadwinner is gone

Buried in traditional ways

My uncle has gone

My uncle is swallowed by earth forever

Uncle Newmas

Rest inPeace until we meet again.

Zorora Murugare (shana)

Lala Lokuphula (ndebele)

There will be more stories and news from Richard, who is 18, in hospital in Zimbabwe, after losing his legs in an accident. If you would like to write to him his address is Richard Kineti, Dyke Streams, P.O. Box 190, Mvurwi, Guruve, Zimbabwe.

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd