The Day I Later Regretted

A Story of Unrequited Love - By: Richard Kunyetey of Zimbabwe

As the day was born, the orange sun rays glared and drank the dew beads that laced the grass blades. The morning breeze freshened the air. The cockerel uttered his immature song, outside it was chilly. Puffs of smoke floated lazily and aimlessly from the other huts.

I was left in charge of the house, as my uncle was away on a visit for a week. I invited my girlfriend, Mary, to come to our home, for I was the only one left there. It was as if we were on a picnic. We were under a big Jacaranda tree which was on the edge of our homestead.

This was it, a never to be forgotten event of my life, with every passing minute, I saw the fulfilment of a long nurtured dream. I was overjoyed, a smile illuminated my face I wore my most glittering white shirt and feasted my eyes on Mary in her impeccable shiny orange dress. There was no doubt she was enjoying every minute of it, her beaming face and sparkling eyes told it all. The expression on her face was one of unmistakable glee.

The sun shines brilliantly before it sets, it was now blood red. We decided to go inside, in the dining room we sunk into the cosy green velvet sofa. Kisses were the order of the day, I kissed her, and for a fleeting moment nothing but pure exuberance overflowed in me. It was like we had kissed for the first time. I wished we had the occasion all to ourselves, for I would have asked for more.

I was feeling drunk, for it was the first time I had drunk a glass of beer, the taste was strange in my mouth. This is what my uncle would do when he was head felt full of beer...but I was determined to follow in my uncle's footsteps.

Around eight in the evening I took Mary to her home and then I came back and went to bed at half past nine. Everything seems as new. I woke up around eight the following day. The atmosphere was blessed with the most marvellous smells of hatch, dung, dust, and human kind. I heard the cattle whoop, their bristly tails swishing off flies. Women balanced delicate pots on their heads, bound for the well.

Mary came, a slender graceful girl with a dazzling smile. She strode nimbly into my hut both hands tucked away behind her. Her complexion was just a hue short of ebony and her hair was plaited in six neat rows. She was a nymph of a girl clad in a frock sprinkled with flower decorations. Her eyes pierced the poorly lit room. " Yes, my beloved guy"? She was ready to kiss me. "Hallo my better half", I reply and we kissed each other twice. I told her that we must have a walk, since we had been sitting for a long time without excercise the previous day. We got on our way to the shops to enjoy ourselves, we walked in a lovely manner, slowly like snails. Before we reached the shops we stopped and sat in the resting place. It seemed as if I was born again into a new life.

Within five minutes Mary's brother appeared from nowhere. "Hello lovers" said Mary's brother, we looked at each other is a speechless manner. He was taller than I am with an ugly face. His muscular build would turn some professional wrestlers green with envy. I thought that if I argued with him he would hit me with his fist. I already knew that everything had to be said and done to suit his whims. I didn't wait for him to reach us, he was still two steps away when I ran as if possessed, remembering an incident when he had hit me and I had suffered a broken jaw. The tails of my long jacket were flapping in the wind as I ran, I looked backwards and spotted him in hot pursuit, all of a sudden my jacket tripped me up and I staggered and fell forward. I didn't want him to know who I was because that would mean trouble. I was lucky this time; he had given up the pursuit.

From that day I didn't get to see Mary again, because I was afraid of her brother. That was the day I decided to forget about Mary and if I ever see Mary's brother I will disappear. I try not even to think about her because I am afraid I will end up in the middle of the sea.

There will be more stories and news from Richard, who is 18, in hospital in Zimbabwe, after losing his legs in an accident. This month he says that in Mvurwi they call him His Majesty because he is too talkative. he prefers to be called 'Topman'

. If you would like to write to him his address is Richard Kunyetey, Dyke Streams, P.O. Box 190, Mvurwi, Guruve, Zimbabwe.

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