The Usui System of Natural Healing

With Reiki Masters Margaret Pauffley and Paul Dennis

What is Reiki?

A simple form of hands-on and distant healing for self, others,animals, plants and situations.

Reiki is a Japanese word which draws two of Life's big mysteries in "picture" form:

REI: The invisible source of all essence.

KI: Life Essence. That which creates, nurtures and sustains all living things

Reiki is a form of healing by touch. You can use it on yourself as well as on others.

Using Reiki is a simple and practical way of embracing, using more of, and connecting more consciously with, the source and essence of our being. This can and does make a big difference in all areas of our lives.

The Usui System of Reiki

is named after a Japanese seeker, Dr Mikao Usui, who devoted his life to the quest for a form of healing that could be passed on systematically to others. After a long search through existing healing traditions and places outside of himself, his answer came in the form of a vision and initiation from within.

Dr Usui then initiated others into the mystery of his Reiki healing system. Dr Chujiro Hayashi, who took over from Dr Usui after his death, ran a Reiki clinic in Tokyo until 1940. Then Reiki spread outside Japan to Hawaii and later to the U.S.A. and Canada through the hands of the third Lineage Carrier, Mrs Hawayo Takata. After Mrs. Takata died in 1980, her granddaughter Phyllis Lei Furumoto became the current Lineage Carrier of the Usui System of Natural Healing.

From the 22 Reiki Masters initiated by Mrs Takata, Reiki has spread like wildfire all over the world. Now there are thousands of Reiki Masters and at least two million people using Reiki in their lives. In the process of this rapid expansion, many very different forms and schools of Reiki have emerged.

THE REIKI ALLIANCE, to which we both belong, was set up by Phyllis and most of Takata's Masters in 1983. Its purpose is to preserve the full tradition of the Usui System as Takata taught it. All members are required to do at least a year's apprenticeship, meet globally- agreed standards of training and practice and make a deep and lifelong commitment to Reiki, and to their own healing.

We find all these to be essential. We have benefited enormously from the wisdom, honesty and openness in this community.

You and Reiki

You can receive Reiki in two ways.One is by having a hands-on or distant treatment, The other is by learning Reiki, in which case you can treat yourself as well as others.

Hands on Reiki Treatment

Lasts 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The recipient lies fully clothed on a massage couch and is gently touched on the head, front and back . Hands are kept still in each position for about five minutes. This has the effect of activating and enhancing the innate healing intelligence of the receiver in whatever areas it is most needed. This includes the heart, mind and soul as well as the body. Reiki does not involve diagnosis or control of any kind by the person giving the treatment.

Learning Reiki

The Personal Experiences of the Teachers

For more details about Reiki treatments and classes with Margaret and Paul please write to us at 27 Lavington Road, Ealing, London W13 9NN, or call us on 0181 579 3813.

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd