
These poems are from a family of readers very much in tune with 'The Weaver'

A Poem by David Ray Gard,

Sweetheart, father of five sons, he loves and is committed to.

I love to watch the sun go down,

though I know it's just us spinning round,

as it bathes the clouds with radiant light.

(though I never look at it: it's far to bright)

The sun, majestic, life giving star

How you amaze and delight me

as you brighten our moon from afar

And the marvellous way you paint the sky as we cast our gaze upon a sun drenched cloud passing by.

A Poem by John Mark Gard

number three son

Sometimes there are things that I do that I am proud of

some things to be disappointed about

the things that I am proud of are happy things like friends and baseball and art

but things I am disappointed about just make me feel bad.

but all I know is everything I could ever want or need is right in my own home.

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