Readers' Letters

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The Weaver - Copyright 1995 The International Communique Ltd. All rights reserved


I have been asked to send you the following, written by a BLINC volunteer, as a response to "A volunteer in Nicaragua" by Fran Hedges in Issue 6 of "The Weaver" July 1995:

Whilst in Puerto Morazan, Rachel Willis made a 40 minute video in which we see the people of Puerto Morazan working on the projects that BLINC support.

Rachel's translation is more than adequate for a piece of educational material which will prove to be an invaluable aid in BLINC's work as an awareness raising group.

Altruism, as noble an emotion as it is, has to be coloured with the knowledge that people like those in Puerto Morazan are in the situation they are as a direct result of the policies of destructuve and divisive organisations like the World Bank and the I.M.F. as well as complex historical factors, not through any inferiority in genetic make-up or lack of imagination. To infer that it should be surprising that Rachel benefitted more from the experience strikes as slightly conceited if not typical western attitude.

As a cultural experiencee the learning process is equally exchangable to a greater or lesser degree depending on age and experience. I would hope that visitors to Puerto Morazan could learn much from the Nicaraguan people's hospitality and will to survive, struggle, smile and laugh in the face of imposed hardship.

By visiting Puerto Morazan Rachel has informed us of the situation there in detail and with sincere honesty. Keeping up with the situation there from this distance is a vital impetus in BLINC's evolution. Reports such as those in your publication which highlight only the perceived mistakes whether on the part of the volunteer or organisation can be extremely damaging to small groups such as ours. We would appreciate in future a less biased and more balanced perspective in your reporting.

Our Reply:

Thanks for your mail.....I have sent it snail mail to Fran Hedges. No offence to the Nicaraguan Agencies or people was intended. The article was more on the need to be more prepared and aware of what is useful and that volunteering should NOT be from our own needs. I agree that Western attitudes are often incorrect. Can you give me the name of the Writer and I will put this in as a reply.... we had one in from the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign which we included in September Weaver.

From Jarmo Manner

Reading your pages for the first time, very interesting!

And as You see, I like meta-models.

From: Andrew Drouin

e-mail addess:


Hello from Canada, might you have any information regarding an ascended master named Kuthumi?

He wrote a book called "Studies of the human aura".

Appreciate any input whatsoever...

Andrew & Louise

Review of 'Mutant Message Down Under'


Concerning weaver/95/25_8/wisdom/reviews/mutant.htm

Have read the book and met the author.

She comes across as very sincere (truthful) about her experiences. Definately "a good read" and insightful/thought provoking!

From Karen Way


Hi, I've got a web site and would like to add a link to the Weaver to my home page. My web site is Please advise if adding a link is ok. Thanks for your time... Karen

Sure is the more links we have the better!!

The Number Seven


Concerning weaver/95/25_8/dev/numerol/aura.htm

Absolute in wonders!!!!! The number 7 truly works for those who know ...... and about your aura working in shades of colours ... well my aura happens to be silver right thru' and thru' . Try working that out !

Please Help

Subject: SOS from the Federation of Damanhur - Italy

If you discovered that the Cheope's piramyd, the Taj Mahal, the Louvre museum were about to be destroied by their own governements for futile bureaucratic reasons, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? The fact is that 40 kilometers from Torino (Italy) THIS IS HAPPENING! It's to stop this unbelievable prevarication that we are contacting you.

In order to see with your own eyes the scenes of one of the most fascinating collective works of Art and architecture ever made by man, and that has only reached one tenth of it's final project, please type the internet adress specified below:
The pages are under construction but in a few days there will be much more.

If you don't at all feel concerned by this message, please forgive and forget our knocking at your mailbox, otherwise, if you wish, you can help us by linking the page, hosting some info pages on your web or for any other information request contact us at

On behalf of the Artists and of the hundreds of thousands of admirers, The Federation of Damanhur.

SOS for the People of Tibet

I'm afraid this is a charitable b-mail. The b is for begging ... You may or may not be aware of the severe human-rights failure that has been going on in Chinese occupied Tibet over the last 40 years. A consequence is that every year thousands of Tibetans attempt the dangerous trek over the Himalayas. Children, women and men - fleeing from political persecution - take the only option they see open to them, walking for weeks in freezing temperatures often in nothing more than an old pair of trainers and a sweat shirt. When they reach either India or Nepal their only place of refuge is a bare camp, supported in the main by the refugees themselves (by selling handmade crafts) and occasionally a little outside help. I have been to one of these camps and the conditions are appalling - due to lack of funds food is extremely limited and many suffer malnutrition through lack of a balanced diet. Simple required tuition is given by non-paid volunteers and basics such as paper and pens are in desperately short supply. If the refugees fail to reach a minimum level of education as set by the Indian government they are sent back to Tibet (often to imprisonment and torture). It is vitally important that these people are given a chance to make a new and free start in life. Some friends of mine are holding a charitable auction on Friday, December 1st to raise money for one of these camps in Darjeeling. The money they raise will be used by the Tibetan House Trust (part of the Tibetan Office in Exile) to help those who need a hand to rebuild their lives. I am asking for anything new or unused that can either be auctioned off (for huge, inflated prices naturally). There will also be a stall for cheaper items (less than ú10) - so whatever you can give will be very, very welcome. Some of the better known people who are contributing items include Richard Gere, Robbie (from Take That, coo!), Rula Lenska, Koo Stark, Annie Lennox, Robin Williams and no doubt lots of other celebs. too. Contributions range from photographs to extremely valuable personal effects. Some of the above will also be attending the auction. Let me know if you would like tickets. Even if you can't find something to give then please pass this note onto others who might - a sort of charitable chain letter is no bad thing! Thankyou for whatever help you can provide. Mungo :-) You can contact me at or by telephone +44 181 205 2596 during office hours. The event is being organised by Liz de Planta who can be reached on telephone +44 171 247 1833. I'd be happy to provide any further information on Tibet, The Tibetan House Trust or any other aspect of the event. Thanks again for your help.

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd