"Meditation leads you to the Light Within"

Our first reaction in life when faced with problems be it health, stress or just unhappiness is to seek a remedy from an external source. Whereas the solution lies in changing our direction from constantly seeking outwards to consciously seeking inwards.

Spiritual Unfoldment is an unveiling of the patternings of the mind. By diving deep within ourselves the force emitted through this process infuses itself in the patterned areas of our mind, dissolving away all the burdens and unnecessary conditionings and attachments that cause us to lose sight or to experience our true Divine Nature - our Real Self. Through meditation that inward journey begins.

Individually Prescribed Practices

The Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment functions in a unique way whereby Meditation and Spiritual practices are individually prescribed for each meditator, based on that individualÆs unique vibration. With personally prescribed meditation techniques we can reach deeper levels of ourselves and draw on the more supporting life giving energies that reside there. The theory that everything is within us is supported here in that the practices given reflect us in all aspects, therefore they totally harmonise and put us in direct contact with our essence - the core of our being.

Meditation Benefits your Health

The benefits of meditation are endless. You gain physically from the deep relaxation experienced by the body. Your ability to think clearly will improve as the technique calms the mind naturally alleviating stress and help you to become more positive, precise and alert, a more concentrated person without having to concentrate. The calming of the whole nervous system will benefit the bodily functions which normally absorb the stresses of life.

Meditation increases Pereception and Awareness

In that quietude you draw from the infinite source of supply, energies to heal you mentally, physically and emotionally as you Spiritually unfold. In the process of unfolding you gather greater inner strength, perception and awareness increase, which in turn will help you to face lifeÆs adversities as you become more aware of the opportunities inherent in them. Coupled with conscious effort and self help, you begin to accept yourself, to discriminate and be responsible for your own life. All in all your life will be transformed and uplifted as you begin to draw on, and shine that inner light which will also reflect on all those around you. Your relationship with other people will definitely improve as you become more open and loving.

Opening of the Heart & Self Integration

Should techniques just deal with the mind and body only and not touch the Heart or essential part of ourselves, then we would be dominated by the ego or emotions. By going beyond the limitations of the mind through personally prescribed meditation, we begin to unfold the Heart whose energy becomes the guiding force in life. So we have a system where the expansion of the mind and body is accompanied by the Unfoldment of the Heart. Through meditation we combine and bring into harmony all three aspects of Man - Body, Mind and Spirit, as we are led from fragmentation to integration.

FISU is a non-denominational, non-sectarian organisation supported entirely by donations. Informal classes are held at various centres throughout the Country. We invite you to contact our International office or your local teacher, where an introductory talk can be arranged on "Why Meditate and what Meditation is all about". Requests for information can be sent by E-Mail to fisu@cityscape.co.uk.

The Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment is dedicated to promote and propagate the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi, although no longer here in this physical existence, his work continues through this Foundation.

" I try to inspire humanity to realise and to reach within themselves to find the joy that some of us have found. This is the mission and purpose of life - where life is not lived for oneself only, but to share with the world. One benefits most from sharing. You can only share if you have something - and in that sharing, an expansion takes place. The Heart and the mind expand in greater awareness, and everything around us assumes a form that we would never have dreamt before. Everything becomes Divine and beautiful. In this beauty, we melt away into another world or dimension. We then bring the power, and the force of that dimension back with us into this dimension"

.........................................Gururaj Ananda Yogii

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